Meet the Team

We are blessed to work with a global team of guest speakers and contributors. Some of our contributors are also graduates of the Academy. We are always on the lookout for relevant content to support our body of work.

Menstrual Coach Academy founder Lisa de Jong works at her desk

Lisa de Jong

Founder, Head Facilitator & Supervisor

Founder of the Menstrual Coach Academy, Lisa first launched her client practice and group workshops in Dublin back in 2016. Colleagues and peers requested to learn from her and so she launched the first iteration of the Professional Training in 2021 with her first small group of enthusiastic students.

With a background in language, education, an M.Phil in Linguistics from Trinity College Dublin, along with her many therapeutic qualifications, Lisa is now a thought leader in this space. Her contributions lie in her ability to connect dots from diverse fields, think systemically, and weave relevant areas together to support people navigating the complex space of menstrual cycle education and chronic pain recovery work.

A leading voice in the global space, Lisa’s work has appeared across the media and on popular podcasts, she has delivered workshops and talks to large multinational organisations, and is consulted by brands in the women’s health space.

Lisa is passionate about education, creative thinking as well as working with a compassionate approach. Her classrooms in the Academy are always a welcoming and nourishing vibe with interesting discussions and contributions from the room.

Lisa continues to work with her 1:1 clients in her coaching practice where she specialises in the menstrual cycle, chronic pain, and trauma. She is a supervisor to other health professionals, and she mentors and coaches business owners who are eager to grow businesses while prioritising their own needs, self-care, and capacity.

Lisa lives in Co. Wicklow, Ireland with her partner Richard. She is a proud auntie, loves to hike, and loves tea and chats with friends.


meet the team

Visiting Faculty

Meet some of our visiting faculty who have contributed content or taught a guest class for us at the academy.

Their work has helped to elevate our programme and add value for our students' learning outcomes.

  • Dr. Monica Peres Oikeh

    (Our keynote speaker)

    General Practitioner, Educator

    Topics: Women’s health in the medical system, hormonal contraception and medication, patient advocacy, supporting clients vulnerable to medical misogyny and racism

  • Kate Codrington

    Therapist, Author, Facilitator

    Topics: Menopause, peri-menopause, second spring, archetypal seasons through life stages, creativity

  • Órna Murray

    Co-Founder of Move2B, Social Entrepreneur, Content Specialist at The Well HQ

    Topics: Women’s health and the menstrual cycle in sport and physical activity, health psychology, young women in sport.

  • Kerri de Courcey

    Psychotherapist specialising in sexual trauma

    Topics: Awareness of sexual violence in the menstrual cycle coaching space, consent, understanding trauma informed care for victims, the link between sexual trauma, chronic pain, and the menstrual cycle.

  • Tom Coleman

    Sleep Expert, Coach, Speaker

    Topics: Sleep science, sleep psychology, hormones and the circadian rhythm, sleep and the nervous system, the intersection of sleep, the menstrual cycle, and menopause.

  • Siobhán Carroll

    Herbalist and yoga teacher

    Topics: Nutrition and Herbs for the Menstrual Cycle.

  • Brian O’Rourke

    Physiotherapist and pain specialist

    Topics: Pain psychology, the nervous system, breath-work for pain, mindfulness and mindful movement.

  • Asma Begum

    Founder of Soul Sisters, Coach, Educator

    Topics: Domestic abuse awareness in coaching, supporting clients through systemic barriers and challenges.

  • Joanna Greenbaum, M.A. LMFT

    Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

    Topics: Mental health and suicide awareness in menstrual cycle coaching

  • Talia Mann

    Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

    Topics: Eating disorder awareness in menstrual cycle coaching