“There is something wonderfully bold and liberating about saying yes to our entire imperfect and messy life.”

~ Tara Brach

A deep red, gorgeous flower sits amidst rainy green leaves

At the Menstrual Coach Academy, we offer both 1:1 supervision and coaching, as well as group supervision. 

Supervision is a space for you to bring your client practice and your business for mentoring, support, and guidance. It helps you to strengthen and deepen the foundations of your work while also caring for yourself in the process of building work you love.

A lovely white flower sits against a dark background

Supervision is becoming increasingly important in the coaching industry.

At the Menstrual Coach Academy, we encourage all our graduates with trauma-informed client practices and businesses to engage in regular reflective practice and supervision. This allows for an impartial third party to support and encourage you in your work and practice. 

In supervision we support you with elements such as:

  • Trauma-informed coaching skills

  • The path to client results

  • Aligning your business decisions with your client practice

  • Clarity with direction and purpose of your work

  • How to move forward with difficult or complex client cases

  • Relational dynamics

  • Integrating a nervous system lens into practice and business

  • Supporting clients with chronic pain and fear of pain

  • Integrating a menstrual cycle awareness lens

  • Self-care and sustainable business growth

  • Group dynamics and facilitation

  • Understanding the power dynamics in your work

  • Self compassion in the work

How will supervision benefit you?

  • Deepen and strengthen your relationship with self and your own embodiment so you can hold strong space for others

  • Deepen your current existing practice as an educator, therapist, facilitator, healer, coach, etc.

  • Integrate the work of menstrual cycle coaching and education into your practice

  • Feel confident, clear, and at ease in your coaching and facilitation skills in this space

  • Help your clients to have a better relationship with their cycle, find safety in their body, and step into a healing and recovery journey of self love and compassion

  • Begin to build a practice and business in this space with clarity and purpose

  • Work in a space you are deeply passionate about and aligned with your values

Lisa de Jong is our 1:1 and group supervisor at the academy.

She brings with her many years of experience facilitating groups, coaching, and mentoring her students, teaching process-work and facilitating reflective practice.

Lisa’s work in the menstrual cycle, women’s health, and chronic pain space is brought to her clients through a systemic and psychodynamic lens. Her practice is polyvagal-rooted and trauma-informed while prioritizing self-care, compassion, and anti-oppressive principles. 

An example of this is that she teaches you how to do marketing that feels good to you, and that values safety and the client relationship from the very first point of contact.

Programme founder Lisa de Jong stands confidently with her arms crossed in a relaxed, friendly way

Group Supervision

Join us for the next round which begins in January 2025.

One Thursday a month for 10 months

January  - November 2025 (excluding August)

Days and times: 
Thursdays. Group 1 at 11am - 1pm;  OR Group 2 at 7.30pm - 9.30pm Dublin/London time (Irish Standard Time)

TBC. Please add your name to our
waiting list to receive our up to date information.

€75 per month, in full or installments 

Groups limited to 6 participants

The group remains closed until the end of the cycle. Thereafter, it is open for new participants to join.

For 1:1 supervision or business coaching, contact Lisa here for more information and to book an enquiry call.

1:1 Supervision

For 1:1 support and supervision we offer this on an hourly basis. The cost is €140 per session and can be booked here.