Menstrual Coach Academy founder Lisa de Jong sits on a white couch with her laptop. She is smiling

Graduate Testimonials

The quality and delivery of our curriculum is our top priority at the Menstrual Coach Academy. Throughout the years, we’ve been honored to receive generous testimonials from our clients and students.

We are proud to have blazed a trail by growing a global community of professionals in the menstrual coaching and facilitation industry.

See what our graduates have to say

See what our graduates have to say ○

  • "I would 100% recommend the Menstrual Coach Academy to anyone who's been drawn to incorporating menstrual cycle awareness in their work with clients or wants to start their own coaching practice in the field of menstruality. Lisa has a wealth of knowledge and is a gentle and supportive guide and presence. She has completely transformed my perception and understanding of what it means to be a coach."

    Martyna Przybysz, UK, Women’s Circle Facilitator, Photographer, Coach 

  • "I came away from this training feeling empowered, and with tools and skills that I didn't even think I needed or could gain. I feel like I can now deeply impact the world with my unique flavour of coaching that is rooted in my enhanced understanding of myself, the systems that are within and around me.  What I got out of this programme is beyond what I imagined. I highly recommend this course."

    Emily Todd, UK, Educator, Coach, Speaker

  • “This course is the best investment I've ever made and it's truly changed my life! It gave me such good insights into myself and the world around me — and filled me with hope and ambition in terms of better understanding the role I can play in changing how the world sees menstrual cycles! This training exceeded my expectations in so many ways. I loved Lisa's calm and steady approach, I don't think I've ever met someone who held space as beautifully and authentically. I loved the process groups and the deeper discussions we had, as well as the informative lecture days and the way Lisa encouraged us all to share stories and teach/learn from each other.“

    Rosannah Jones, UK, Artist, Writer, Menstrual Cycle Coach

  • “The Menstrual Coach Academy is the most nurturing learning environment. One of my fears when starting the course was the overwhelm about the information. I was relieved because the instructors weave modalities together effortlessly and explain things in ways that make the information easy to understand. I've completed the course feeling confident to share this work and am well on the way to creating my own 1:1 Cycle Coaching Program. Thank you Lisa and your team for helping me to dismantle some of the conditioning that had me so disconnected from myself and my cycle. Look out world!”

    Rachel Lewis, Wales, Therapist & Writer

  • "The Menstrual Coach Academy training was absolutely wonderful. It was a 6-month journey filled with practical learnings about the nervous system, menstrual cycle awareness and how to work with our clients. The most amazing part of this course was the beautiful space that Lisa created for the group. Every session was so nourishing and supportive and gave so much space for both personal and professional insights. Lisa is a very kind and gentle person with a warm heart and lots of knowledge and wisdom to share. This is one of the best trainings I have ever done!"

    Anna Przybylo, Ireland, Yoga Teacher, Facilitator, Educator

More kind words:

I highly recommend this course...

“Without a doubt I would highly recommend this course to others. I cannot thank Lisa and this course enough. This journey has given me the space in such a safe, gentle and engaging way to learn so much about myself and about the direction I'd love to see my business thrive in. This program allowed me to discover deeper into the world of the menstrual cycle, which is a gift. Thank you Lisa for delivering with nothing but authenticity, and reassuring me that this is exactly what I am meant to be doing, I feel so lucky to have met you and to have found this training. I feel so blessed to have been a part of this container these past few months, thank you!”

Kaitlyn Salmon, Ireland

Transformed my perspective of what it means to be a coach...

“I would 100% recommend Lisa's professional training to anyone who's been drawn to incorporating menstrual cycle awareness in their work with clients or wants to start their own coaching practice in the field of menstruality. Lisa has a wealth of knowledge and is a gentle and supportive guide and presence. She has completely transformed my perception and understanding of what it means to be a coach. Despite my desire and a sense of mission to help others, before the course I wasn't sure if I could do it. I came away from this training feeling empowered, and with tools and skills that I didn't even think I needed or could gain. I feel like I can now deeply impact the world with my unique flavour of coaching that is rooted in my enhanced understanding of myself, the systems that are within and around me, all thanks to Lisa.”

Martyna Przybysz, UK
Women’s Circle Facilitator, Photographer, Coach 

This programme healed spaces of shame for me...

“What I got out of the training is beyond what I imagined. I would highly recommend this course with Lisa. Lisa holds the space with such openness and integrity. It allows for so much learning to flow through, not just through her amazing structured work plan, but also the teachings for the others around you. You learn so much from simply just being in that space and beyond learning about the work and how I can integrate that into my life. I learnt so much about my own self and body and it has healed spaces of shame for me. I am grateful for this journey in my life with Lisa and the ladies.”

Emily Todd, UK
Educator, Coach, Speaker

It’s the best investment I’ve made & it changed my life...

“I would 100% recommend this course to others! It is the best investment I've ever made and it's truly changed my life! It has fed my curiosity and led me to question so many things, as well as giving me such good insights into myself and the world around me. Lisa's course has filled me with hope and ambition in terms of better understanding the role I can play in making positive changes to how the world sees menstrual cycles! I am so grateful to Lisa for creating this space and for always being friendly, professional and approachable whenever I had a question or wanted more support. Thank you so much.”

“This training exceeded my expectations in so many ways. I loved Lisa's calm and steady approach, I don't think I've ever met someone who held space as beautifully and authentically so this made a huge difference to my whole experience of the course. I loved the process groups and the deeper discussions we had, as well as the informative lecture days and the way Lisa encouraged us all to share stories and teach/learn from each other. “

Rosannah Jones, UK
Artist, Writer, Menstrual Cycle Coach

I’m on my way to creating my own 1:1 Cycle Coaching Program...

“I would certainly recommend Lisa's Cycle Coaching & Facilitation Training, it's been the most nurturing learning environment which has awoken my curiosity and desire for learning once again. One of my fears when starting the course was to be overwhelmed with more information that might further exacerbate this disconnection from myself or make me feel like there were more things wrong with me. 

I've taken many wrong turns on my path but this definitely wasn't one of them. Lisa held the group so safely and professionally throughout. She brings an abundance of knowledge and wisdom to the space and delivers it in a way that is engaging, thought provoking and integrative. She weaves her modalities together effortlessly and can explain things in such a way that makes her knowledge easy to understand and lands in a way that imprints the first layer of embodiment.  

I've completed the course feeling confident to share this work and am well on the way to creating my own 1:1 Cycle Coaching Program. Thank you Lisa for helping me to dismantle some of the conditioning that had me so disconnected from myself and my cycle. Look out world. ❤️ Love Rachel” 

“I don't think any words can really explain the gratitude, Lisa. I believe you were made for this work and have changed my life direction for the better. I feel like you've been teaching me how to ride a bike and now I'm being set free with my stabilizers off, a bit wobbly here and there but mostly I'm riding my bike, happy and free.Thank you once again for providing us with the opportunity to do this work, I'll always hold this period of my life and the people in it close to my heart.” 

Rachel Lewis, Wales 
Therapist & Writer

The most beautiful six months...

“I can’t thank you enough for this experience! It was way more than a professional training! It has been an invaluable journey for me personally and will be professionally too. It’s brought me home to myself in a way that I can’t express. 

I am so grateful to have connected with you and the others in the group, such richness of lives, cultures, experiences and depth. The most beautiful 6 months with beautiful women."

Paula Byrne, Ireland
Social Entrepreneur, Teacher, Coach

One of the best trainings I have ever done...

“Lisa's Cycle Coaching and Facilitation Professional Training was absolutely wonderful. It was a 6-month journey filled with practical learnings about the nervous system, menstrual cycle awareness and how to work with our clients. The most amazing part of this course was the beautiful space that Lisa created for the group. Every session was so nourishing and supportive and gave so much space for both personal and professional insights. Lisa is a very kind and gentle person with a warm heart and lots of knowledge and wisdom to share. This is one of the best trainings I have ever done - I loved how practical it was and how authentic and supportive the sessions were. The course had a great balance between theoretical knowledge and practical application of what we learnt in our daily lives. I am also delighted to share on a personal note that after taking this 6-month journey, my menstrual cycle became more regular - from being about 55 days long, it is now about 33-42 days long and I am more in tune with my body's cyclical wisdom. 

I would highly recommend this course to anyone looking to tune into their menstrual cycle and wanting to share this work with others!”

Anna Przybylo, Ireland
Yoga Teacher, Facilitator, Educator

A transformative journey — personally & professionally...

“Joining this program means stepping into a transformative journey on both personal and professional level. Engaging with your cycle on such an intimate level is one of the biggest gifts you can give yourself. Lisa is so skilled in holding a safe and nourishing space that allows for reflection and learning.”

Pleun Elsa Andriessen, Netherlands
Human Rights Consultant & Facilitator

Recommend to any coach or practitioner wanting to deepen their skills…

“I'd recommend this course to any coach or practitioner who is looking to dive deep into their own personal and professional development. Lisa embodies her practice with integrity and when you experience her teaching, you know that she has the lived experience and works with what is showing up in the moment within the group. It shows in the strong way she intuitively holds the space with empathy and grace. I feel incredibly lucky to have connected to Lisa as a human and a coach and wholeheartedly trusted her to hold me in this process work.”

Jennifer Van Uffelen, Ireland
Wellbeing Coach & Facilitator

Fantastically supportive, educational, and thought provoking space...

“This was a uniquely educational and community oriented course in which Lisa encouraged us to consider our own experiences and practices alongside expert knowledge of the menstrual cycle and its impacts on our day to day as women. Creating a fantastically supportive, educational and thought provoking space, Lisa also created a fantastic community. I've met some incredible women who I am proud to continue working with in the future.”

Emily Jiggins, UK
HR & Transformation Director

Proof that there’s another way to teach and learn...

“I would recommend it with my eyes closed. This training is the living proof that another way to teach and learn can be possible in the world. It has helped me to learn how to approach studies and information intake in a completely new way, safely and fully connected with my body, when before I would always disassociate and freeze.  Lisa holds the space with so much care for every single person in the room and with outstanding integrity. She has created a way to relate to the theory, content, and our classmates in a very organic and easy way.”

Elidia Calvo Martin, Ireland
Yoga Teacher & Energy Practitioner

I’m now a thought leader in this space thanks to this programme...

“If you are considering working with women or menstruators in any capacity, you should definitely join Lisa's program. While you will learn content that will help you equip future clients/patients, you will also learn to be in relationship with yourself and others in this work. She is training cohorts of thought-leaders and I am proud to say that I am now one of them!”

Briana Villegas, USA
Coach, Speaker, Podcaster 

Taking steps in my business I didn’t feel capable of before this course...

“Lisa is an empathetic and intuitive coach and teacher. She has the ability to draw out what is really in the room, or how a student / client is actually feeling. She is strong and passionate in her beliefs and I feel honoured to have her as a mentor. She is able to hear, accept and make changes from feedback - it's a very special way to hold space. 

Lisa's course has helped me take steps in my menstrual cycle coaching business that I didn't feel capable of taking before. The practical application of working with the nervous system was just what I needed to start making moves and avoid the recurring pattern of dropping into freeze mode. “

Kez Seery, UK
Coach, Educator, Psychology Graduate

Helpful training for anyone working in the health and wellness space...

“I really loved this course. As a professional training, it's a really helpful and nourishing add on for anyone working in the health and wellness space. We covered so much in terms of the menstrual cycle, the nervous system, trauma and hormones. But some of the biggest and more in depth learnings for me were around the relational pieces of working with clients, group and one to one dynamics, the role of power and all the systems that we live with. Lisa's facilitation style provides a really empowering but nurturing space where you are always reminded to check in with your body and emotions. It was really wonderful.”

Sara Slattery, Ireland
Leadership Coach, Trainer, Manager

Anyone who works in this field should have this kind of foundation...

“Lisa's course was completely transformational for me. It not only deepened my understanding of aspects of myself like my cycle and my nervous system (what a gift!), but it also transformed my understanding of what it means to be a coach. I feel much more grounded in ethical business, trauma-informed process work, and body-based wisdom. I think everyone who wants to coach others in this field should have this kind of foundation! I highly recommend Lisa's course to anyone who is looking for a one-of-a-kind nervous system approach to menstrual cycle coaching and facilitation.”

Elizabeth Tidwell
Social Entrepreneur and Coach

An incredible programme...

“I highly recommend this incredible menstrual cycle coaching programme with Lisa. I will use this new knowledge not just in my business but in my life too. Thank you Lisa. It's been a real joy!”

Tanwen, Scotland
Artist & Arts Educator

I felt supported the whole way through...

“Lisa has such a calming presence - she guides you through topics with such ease, knowledge and compassion. I have never done a course like this before where I felt so supported and held the whole way through. It was so empowering to meet all the women on the course and get to know them and hear their stories and experiences, there was something just so very special about it, like we all shared this incredible secret! This was an incredible journey of self love and self knowing and I would encourage every woman to do this!”

Yvonne Redmond, Ireland
Yoga Teacher, Scientist, Mother

Grateful for all that I have learned...

“I would highly recommend this course to coaches or anyone on a personal development journey. Lisa is so knowledgeable and passionate about her work and she creates a wonderfully supportive and educational space for everyone to engage and share their experience. I am very grateful for all I have learned over the past 6 months and feel very lucky to have shared the experience with Lisa and such a wonderful group of women.”

Aoife Deering, Ireland
Yoga Teacher

I’m so glad I invested in this...

“I am so glad to have invested into the menstrual cycle coaching course led by Lisa de Jong. It allowed me to upskill, and integrate a community of facilitators. It was great to have Lisa as course lead as she embodies her teachings; a great role modeling to learn from.      

The Menstrual cycle coaching course helped me define how I wanted to position my business in the menstruality world.

I recommend this course to anyone in the menstruality world who would like to hone into their business practice.”

Victoria Dufour-Cox, UK
Menstrual Cycle Awareness Educator for girls and parents

Blending my menstrual knowledge with my EFT practice…

“I started on this journey as an EFT practitioner. I was relatively new in business, I had a vision that I could include this work and combine as they are modalities that spoke to me. I journeyed times where I felt distant from this work, a resistance to helping others but it soon became apparent that I was actually afraid to be stirred, to have deeper unresolved emotions to awaken that I was too afraid to feel. I had a lot of time to reflect back on work settings in the past where my natural instincts to be moved by the people I worked with, instead I tried to remain "professional" which created a backlog of FEELING. Life is meant to move us, regardless of being "professional or not". Right now, I've been updating my website, I intend on offering 1:1 Cycle Coaching, whilst blending the EFT into my work. I want to help women to feel safer in their bodies, to reconnect to their personal power and be a part of a movement that stops pathologising women's trauma. “

Rachel Lewis, Wales
Therapist & Writer

From period pain and the pill to a natural cycle with minimum pain...

“The training met and surpassed my expectations because I learned more than I thought I would and understand myself on a deeper level, and the collective lenses that shape our monthly cycles. I’ve learned all about theories and concepts that Lisa planned for and others that came from our needs as a group too. It was a personal journey through a professional space.

I’ve gone from period pain and the pill to a natural cycle with minimum pain during the course. I’ve gone from dabbling in the idea of my business to clarity and direction with where I am going and starting up my business soon.”

Paula Byrne, Ireland
Social Entrepreneur, Teacher, Coach

I’m ready to add this new work to my business...

“I feel that my journey had a couple of layers. There was my journey with my menstrual cycle and being aware of my inner seasons and my nervous system. That really helped me in navigating my personal and professional life. I have been able to really embed the menstrual cycle into my daily life. Being able to meet the group every month and share our experiences, our ups and downs in a very nurturing way really supported me. I learnt so much about myself, my triggers and where I need to shift some things through my awareness on a daily basis and through the sharing in our group, both as a contributor and as a listener. As for my business, I really wanted to have more understanding of menstrual cycle in order to support my mostly female students. I feel that the training has helped me a lot with that and I have already been incorporating my menstrual cycle awareness in my yoga classes. I also learnt about my energy level shifts in the different phases of the cycle which has been helping a lot to know when I should focus on being more productive and when is the best time to be more reflective. 

I am currently feeling really empowered by all the learning/insights I gained during this course both in my personal life and also professionally. I feel more connected to my female energy than every before in my life and in terms of my business I feel that I am ready to share it with the world. I am slowly going to open the door to welcome all the opportunities. I feel that this work can fit into so many environments/settings and I am really excited to watch it grow over time.”

Anna Przybylo, Ireland 
Yoga teacher, Facilitator, Educator

I’m going to build this into my practice as a valuable offering...

“I really feel like my nervous system got to experience a way of learning and teaching that I'm wanting to bring into the world myself. Looking back now, I think that is what I really needed, to learn alongside other practitioners with a full open heart and mind to discover where my curiosity goes during the experience. There were different parts of me moving through this process, one part was a personal journey, connecting to my cycle and my nervous system and being witnessed in my personal development. Another part was a professional development journey, learning more about women's health and tools to explore with clients. The third part was me as a client moving through the experience of being a client in this professional learning experience. From this, I've gained a lot of confidence in my own practice and the areas I want to work on and explore. So ready to keep moving in this journey of my business and exploring in which ways to bring teachings to my clients. I've learned a lot from the experience in this group process and realise what I gain from it myself. I also realise I've been facilitating groups in different ways for so long, sometimes unknowingly and I want to build this into my practice as a valuable offering.”

Jennifer Van Uffelen, Ireland
Wellbeing Coach & Facilitator

I can now work with a range of clients in different formats...

“At the start of this course, I had little knowledge of how to put my menstrual coaching knowledge into practice with clients, now, I am able to work with a range of clients in different formats to help them with their own menstrual cycle awareness. I've been able to plan my own courses and think clearly about the areas I would like to work on with clients, and in what format.”

Emily Jiggins, UK
HR & Transformation Director

I’m ready to share what I’ve learned...

“I was in a little cocoon hiding and in a very superficial self and had no idea how to put everything I wanted to give to the world together. Now it has a shape, a name, I visualize the format and my words are back into flow after many years of not knowing how to share myself fully. I feel I am ready to share even if it's a little bit and to the point that I am ready to share.”

Elidia Calvo Martin, Ireland
Yoga Teacher & Energy Practitioner

I’m updating my 3-month coaching programme and raising my prices...

“6 months ago, I was about 1 year into my coaching business. I had created and launched a mini course with a couple of sales, and had worked with some clients for free, and had booked 1 paid client. I was still feeling a lot of doubt in my ability to translate what I had learned and done for myself to a coaching framework/method. I also had doubts about the marketing advice I had been getting. 

Now, I feel much more grounded in my expertise and authority. I feel more confident in how I want to bring this work to my clients. I am currently working with my second paid client. I have also created a v2 of my freebie opt-in with more purpose on what my ideal client's journey would be, and am in the process of updating my 3 month coaching program and raising prices. “

Briana Villegas, USA
Coach, Speaker, Podcaster 

I have an established coaching business but now I’m ready to expand...

“It was really different to what I expected and this ended up being a good thing! Your style of facilitation was uncomfortable for me in the beginning because I am so used to the standard power dynamic of teacher/student so it took a while for me to go with this style which ultimately is far more empowering.. It really exceeded my expectations in terms of the relational piece, power dynamics and managing our own nervous system. These are such fantastic skills to have in any area of my life!

I had an established coaching business when I began the course and also had extensive knowledge of the menstrual cycle and some of the nervous system. So in theory I kind of had it covered. However through the journey of the course I really let go of any old power dynamics between client/coach, I feel so much more grounded in my own body and in my practice. I feel ready to expand my business in lots of ways, not just with the knowledge acquired but in the way I relate to people, myself and my business as an entity.”

Sara Slattery, Ireland
Leadership Coach, Trainer, Manager

Big takeaway — learning how to tune into my own wisdom as an entrepreneur...

“I was a couple months into My Club Red subscription box, struggling to find subscribers, somehow kind of always subconsciously thinking all of my career goals would/should be easy to achieve with the right training/course/approach. I am now so much better equipped to tune into my BODY for my own individual self-guidance--that feels like such a gift! That's been the biggest takeaway: tuning in to the wisdom of our own bodies to show us what feels safe and possible for right now. It's really helped me tune OUT some of the business overwhelm that comes from being a new entrepreneur. It's life-changing to me and I know that, whatever the individual circumstances of my future clients, that approach and skill will also be a gift for them.”

Elizabeth Tidwell
Social Entrepreneur and Coach

I’m now working on a more focused plan for my business...

“When starting this course, I knew I wanted to be involved in this work, but wasn’t exactly sure how.  Now, I’ve created my mission, identified my values, developed some tools and what I want to offer clients —and understand I have to start somewhere and see where it takes me. I haven’t launched 1:1 coaching or workshops yet, but I’m working on a more focused business plan.”

Ashley Rowe, USA
Nurse, Health Coach, Educator

Being neurodivergent, I have a slow working memory & Lisa’s teaching worked for me…

“I started feeling really scared as I was swamped with other life stuff at the time and I wondered if I was taking on too much! However as the sessions progressed I found it easier to integrate the work in my life, knowing that the course content was being recorded and that all the other information I needed to access was available to us post programme eased a lot of my anxieties. Being neurodivergent I have a slow working memory so this system really worked for me. Being able to meet twice/ three times per month was just the right amount for me but also the variety of ways to engage. Everyone was so lovely too. I really enjoyed getting to know the group over a long period of time and I'm now looking forward to following them all on their journey through keeping in touch on Instagram. The 1:1 coaching I did with Lisa and Rosanna was a massive highlight. The Process Group was amazing too and all the content from the lectures and online stuff amazing too. I wished I had made more time to have delved more into the online stuff but I'm planning on doing that now in the next few months so I have something to keep me focused in this work. Once this research phase has completed I'll feel confident enough to launch my business in the summer.

Did this course meet your expectations?

ABSOLUTELY! It was everything it said it was on the tin! The pre sign up information and group call was fantastic. It gave me time to assess everything before reaching out. I felt like I was in charge of all my decisions and in joining I would be supported throughout.”


I’ve already delivered some workshops and talks...

“I started the course in the same way I've started most courses, a bit apprehensive and shy and assuming everyone else was a lot more qualified to speak on things than me. The course was timed with the return of my periods (after 9 months of Amenorrhea) and I think this helped in terms of feeling like I could really engage and relate to the course in the way I hoped to when I signed up. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone in terms of asking questions, sharing personal insights and volunteering myself and I think this really helped me to take risks and grow in a way I have struggled to before. I feel my business is in a healthy position for me to really build and develop this work, I have delivered some workshops and talks and I am working with my first guinea-pig coaching client (a friend).”

Rosannah Jones, UK
Artist, Writer, Menstrual Cycle Coach

I hosted five in-person workshops & started a monthly women’s circle, which is booked...

“I was at the very early stages of my interest in this work, I hadn't started making money as a business and really hadn't decided at all how I was going to launch and what my practice was about. I am now at a stage where I have hosted 5 in person workshops, I have a regular women's circle booked every month, I also have online webinars planned and have started creating my 121 offering which I have been really focused on getting right. The course has really set me up in such a fantastic way into this world. I'm really prioritising not rushing into work but listening to what lights me up and perfecting my craft as I know I have a lot to offer in this space. My confidence when it comes to money and what I have to offer has also exceeded what I ever thought.  I really feel I know my worth now.”

Emily Todd, UK
Educator, Coach, Speaker

New clients are coming to me for this specialised work...

“This training met my needs in more ways than one. Being a part of this course with so many like minded individuals, coming from so many different personal and professional backgrounds made for such a genuine, safe and understanding space for learning. The material was very informative, and also the pace of the course, being able to take what we find beneficial and leave the rest made for no pressure, especially having the online classroom to turn back to, even as postgraduates. The training had a lovely pace and structure, it was free flowing and I especially enjoyed the process groups as an even smaller learning space. I am very grateful and appreciative to have found this course and took a leap to educate myself more in the world of the MC, and area that I have always found so fascinating and will continue to evolve in,

From starting this course until now I have been seeing clients for counseling and psychotherapy, but throughout this course and gaining this awareness I have noticed alot of clients who may come to me with a certain set of needs also present with chronic pain, existing diagnosis regarding their cycle. Recognizing this alongside their other presenting issues and having this background knowledge from this course has only served to guide me and recognize certain themes which we touched on in the class. It feels great to continue growing my practice, although in time Id like to like to specifically start coaching, or MCA workshops, and present this work further. This journey these past few months has served me greater both personally and professionally.”

Kaitlyn Salmon
Psychotherapist, Ireland

The depth and breadth of knowledge was incredible...

“The course definitely met my expectations, and surpassed them! The depth and breadth of knowledge was incredible, and I loved that each lecture we had was an invitation to take a deep dive in a number of different directions. It was brilliant that the course was delivered in a way that meant we were seeing coaching and teaching in action -  an immersion style experience. “

Jessica King, UK

A type of leadership that is so needed in society today...

“Lisa is a living embodiment of a different type of learning and leadership that are desperately needed in our society today: empowering others to seek the answers and wisdom inside themselves.”


The guest content was an excellent bonus to elevate the work…

“Lisa is a fantastic coach & facilitator championing a trauma informed and non oppressive coaching practice. This course is packed with practical resources for getting started with your coaching business and provides an opportunity to connect to and learn from others that are also committed to working in a growing yet still relatively niche area of work. 

The guest videos on herbalism, perimenopause and nutrition to name only a few - are also a real bonus to the course and will support my practice as a coach working holistically.”


Understanding the link between menstrual pain and sexual trauma

“I highly recommend Lisa's MCA course. There's a wealth of information unknown to women about our menstrual cycles and their connection to our experiences. As a sexual violence therapist, I noticed patterns in my clients' menstrual cycle health and signed up for the course. Lisa's course has given me a solid foundation to bridge the gap between how women's bodies respond to trauma and how our menstrual cycles are impacted.

Lisa is an incredible course facilitator. She brings a refreshing attitude to learning and is continuously on her own journey of growth and discovery. Together, we are beginning the important work of understanding the unique ways in which women are impacted by trauma.”

Kerri de Courcey, UK

I cultivated a self-love that I had not previously experienced…

“I was practicing menstrual cycle awareness before the course, but not in such a structured way. The cycle journal provided helped me immensely to get into the habit of checking in with myself regularly and paying attention to patterns found in signs and symptoms throughout. I was suffering very painful periods beforehand and halfway through the course my periods became lighter and less painful, although the need to rest deeply was still there. The difference is I was beginning to listen more deeply and carve a practice to honour the sacredness of my cycle. I cultivated a self-love that I had not previously experienced and really started to love being a woman.

I am still practicing menstrual cycle awareness, although a bit more loosely than during the course. I have started putting a short course together for young women to learn more about their cycles, their bodies and tools for building relationship with themselves and each other. My interest has naturally gravitated towards herbs for menstruation, sharing tools for nervous system regulation, understanding the language of emotions, dreamwork and shadow work. I have also incorporated MCA into my yoga practice and plan on building classes around this integration.”


Better relationships at home with my husband and four boys…

“As a family of 6, I communicate on a regular basis to my husband about where I am at in my menstrual cycle which he and my children now have a much better understanding of. We have a better relationship as a family and he has started to track with me. My husband now knows on certain days not expect too much done around the house. And I voice this in work too which is a slow progress but it is planting a seed.

Lisa is an amazing woman with a lot of knowledge that she brings to the forefront of the menstrual cycle. She is compassionate, she listens and responds appropriately to questions. The work that she has done in menstrual cycle education in Ireland and across the water is powerful. When I did a face to face workshop with Lisa many years ago I found it fascinating and then went on to do her menstrual cycle coaching course which has really opened me to using my voice and finding my niche in the menstrual cycle world. My starting point is my family with four boys. Thank you Lisa for designing this course and providing me with your knowledge you have gained over the years.”

teresa hawkes, northern IRELAND
Mother & Charity Worker

Thank you for empowering me with this work so that I can help women like her…

“I would absolutely recommend this course but fear I'd fail to do it justice in a testimonial.

Before the course, I simply had an interest born from my own journey of self-healing. Now I feel very confident when I speak on the topic. I have yet to establish a practice, I'm unsure if I will. This may have just been something that I needed for me. Since completion though, I have given a handful of talks to women and men, made myself available as a resource to the women in my community, and deeply changed my personal narrative around my cycle and body.

I purposely sought out a course that offered more than anatomy & physiology, more then diagnosis, more than clinical studies. This course really met the fusion of subtle energetics as well as the data that I was seeking.”

joann miller, usa