How to Become a Menstrual Cycle Coach: A Comprehensive Guide



Welcome to the world of Menstrual Cycle Coaching at the Menstrual Coach Academy.

Yes, menstrual cycle coaching – it’s a thing!

You might be here because you are curious about this as a career. Or you want to train and upskill for your existing role.

In this article, I will outline what menstrual cycle coaching is, how to train in this area, and the benefits of becoming a menstrual cycle coach.

About Lisa de Jong

Hi, I’m Lisa de Jong. I am a trauma-informed menstrual cycle coach and an educator for professionals in this space.

I came to this work because for years I myself had debilitating period pain from endometriosis and other chronic pain conditions. I tried many different approaches, from medication and surgery to holistic interventions like nutrition, herbs, and acupuncture. While these helped somewhat, I still experienced chronic pain and anxiety every month.

I then discovered a crucial missing piece that led to significant improvements.

Around this time, I fell in love with this body of work. I trained in several professional modalities that enabled me to become a menstrual cycle coach.

I began my 1:1 coaching practice as a period coach in 2016. I was amazed at how quickly my clients were getting results. They were healing from pain, feeling more at ease in their bodies, and reconnecting with life.

So in 2021, after many requests from peers, I created my very own menstrual cycle coach training course. This course has grown and evolved into the Menstrual Coach Academy.

At the Menstrual Coach Academy, we specialize in menstrual cycle coaching and facilitation skills. Many of our students have already read books and taken other courses and are now ready to bring this knowledge to their clients or groups and excel in their practice.

What Qualifications Do You Need to Become a Menstrual Cycle Coach?

Speaking from personal experience, it took me a long time to complete the qualifications needed before I felt comfortable calling myself a ‘period coach.’

This is why I created a comprehensive qualification at the Menstrual Coach Academy.

If you are wondering which qualifications to pursue, consider these questions:

  • What types of clients do you want to work with?

  • What skills and qualifications do you already have?

  • Do you want to work in an educational capacity or coach clients through a therapeutic process?

  • Do you want to support clients with chronic pain, PMDD, endometriosis, and other menstrual challenges?

  • Do you want to work with groups or individuals?

How Long Does It Take to Become a Menstrual Cycle Coach?

Becoming a period coach can be a lifelong, and very rewarding journey with continuous learning. Practically, it can take anywhere from six months to two years to become a menstrual cycle coach, depending on your specialization and approach.

What Does a Menstrual Cycle Coach Do?

A menstrual cycle coach helps people develop a healthier relationship with their menstrual cycle. Specifically, you will assist clients with:

  • Understanding the science of their menstrual cycle

  • Tracking their menstrual cycle

  • Connecting to the Inner Seasons of their cycle

  • Healing from menstrual shame and trauma

  • Making better nutrition decisions for hormonal health

  • Regulating their nervous system to soothe pain and menstrual cycle symptoms

  • Practicing pain science exercises for chronic pain, PMDD, and endometriosis support

  • Connecting to their intuition and cyclical nature for better energy, autonomy, and confidence

  • And much more you can read about in our course syllabus here

What Experience Do You Need to Become a Menstrual Cycle Coach?

It helps to have read some books and explored this work for yourself. However, no prior experience is necessary to become a menstrual cycle coach.

If you are already trained as a facilitator or health and wellness practitioner, you can combine your skills and experience with a course like ours to become a unique menstrual cycle coach and offer new services to your clients.

Salary and Compensation

The coaching industry varies greatly in terms of salary. It also depends on your location and experience.

Hourly rates for coaching sessions can range anywhere from €80 to €250 or above, depending on your experience and clientele. Many coaches offer their services in packages and may also provide corporate talks and workshops. A full-time coach can earn between €30,000 and €150,000 annually, depending on the scale of their business.

Prospects and Impact

Menstrual cycle education and hormonal health is an unmet need in many fields, such as education, psychology, psychotherapy, social enterprise, and human resources. Opportunities in this space are vast. You can work with individual clients, groups, companies, schools, government, femtech, content creation, policy, and human rights.

At the Menstrual Coach Academy, our graduates come from diverse backgrounds, including school teachers, nurses, psychotherapists, physiotherapists, and energy workers.

Become a Menstrual Cycle Coach

Ready to embark on this rewarding career? Look no further! At the Menstrual Coach Academy, we offer a unique program tailored to your professional needs.

Sign up for our waiting list below to join our next cohort. We look forward to seeing you there!


The Role of Polyvagal Theory in Menstrual Cycle Coaching


Mastering Facilitation Skills: A Guide for Menstrual Cycle Coaches